alicjag (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Welcome :) |
I'm new here so I'd like to introduce myself.
My name's Alicja. Since always I liked the culture of Native Americans, but it was always very difficult to find any informations and of course it was completly not possible to meet Native people here, where I live - in Poland.
But we live in XXI century and we have quite new possibilities. Right?
I'd like to meet people who are Native Americans. I don't mean any specific nation. I like all. Just I want to know those who still remember who they are. I respect tradition. Yours and mine too.
And I also respect people who try to do something more then just wake up, do what they have to do and then go to sleep. I always believed that life is something more, much more then that. We have inteligence, hearts and souls. Not using them is wasting our lifes.
Nowadays the same things that make us free - make us slaves in the same time. And we were born to be free.
We are all the part of nature. And nature is everything - drop of rain, little stone that we can see beneath our feet, the cloud on a sky or a green leaf that we touch while walking in the forest, listening to the birds around. I love nature and I believe in its power and magic. Air, water, earth, fire and trees are sacred to me.
I want to know people who have values, respect tradition, think that world is much more then we can see and who believe that more important is who you are and what you do then what you have. I want to meet those who are rich inside.
That would be also great if I could meet someone who could help me to learn Navajo and Lakota languages which I've started to learn. Gosh... so difficult hehe
Have a great day, week, month, year... and all life !!!
See you around
Oh... and could you tell me why men cut their hair, while they look so amazing wearing long? There is nothing more sexy then a guy with long hair :)